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EN 1504: Parts 1 to 3

BS EN 1504, Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures: Definitions, requirements, quality control and evaluation of conformity, is divided into 10 parts.

EN 1504 Part 1 Definitions.
Published January 2006 (replacing the version originally published in 1998)
Defines terms relating to products and systems for repair, for use in maintenance and protection, restoration and strengthening of concrete structures.

EN 1504 Part 2: Surface protection systems for concrete.
Published October 2004.
Specifies requirements for the identification, performance (including durability aspects) and safety of products and systems to be used for surface protection of concrete, to increase the durability of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, as well as for new concrete and for maintenance and repair work.

EN 1504 Part 3: Structural and non-structural repair.
Published February 2006.
Specifies requirements for the identification, performance (including durability) and safety of products and systems to be used for the structural and non-structural repair of concrete structures.

Acknowledgement: The Concrete Society

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TR69 Repair of concrete structures with reference to BS en 1504


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