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CBDG 27th Annual Conference
The future of concrete bridges – Embracing technology
Call for presentations

Concrete Bridge Development Group
Institution of Structural Engineers (Click here to view in Googlemaps)



NB. Conference title was amended on 26 Jan from The future of bridge engineering - Embracing technology to The future of concrete bridges - Embracing technology 

The conference will be held on 19 June 2024.

The influence of technology continues to be at the forefront of construction and no less so than for concrete bridges. Iron bar to improve concrete performance was used in the 1870s (Homersfield Bridge Suffolk/Norfolk borders) and reinforcement with the Hennebique system (Chewton Glen Bridge, Hampshire) in 1902. The introduction of precast, prestressing, cantilever and incrementally launched sections pushed the boundaries further. The exponential leap in computing power in the 21st century has enabled an explosion of digital technology in all areas of the design and construction and, more recently, remote assessment and inspection.

The CBDG’s 27th Annual conference will discuss the influence of intelligent engineering on concrete bridges; a material with intrinsic versatility, design flexibility and, above all, natural durability.

  Suggested topic areas include, but not limited to, those listed below;

  • Modern Methods of Construction
  • Alternative concrete constituents
  • Monitoring
  • AI Technology & Innovation
  • Standard health monitoring
  • Intelligent engineering
  • AI
  • Digital and future technology
  • Assessment & Inspection
  • 3D printing
Please provide an abstract by the 19th February 2023. This must include a title and outline content (maximum 150 words). Presentations are typically expected to be 20-30 minutes plus Q&A. Following acceptance, the presentation in PowerPoint format will be required in advance of the conference.  

For latest information on the 27th Annual Conference please visit our website or contact